

Developing new technology

The Cite Concept design office has developed custom-made outdoor furniture to include innovative carbon sink technology from SUEZ.

Carbon sink technology by SUEZ

Canopies, electric charging station

Eco-design of illuminated canopies for electric charging stations.

Optional addition of photovoltaics, security camera, USB port and Wi-Fi. Cité Concept, manufacturer of urban street furniture.

Canopies, electric charging station

The Swiss Army knife of passenger shelters

The most complete, innovative and ultra-connected bus shelter, the perfect combination of technologies for the benefit of travellers.

As part of a policy to maintain social links in small towns, CiteConcept has developed a multi-purpose shelter.

Living roofs

The environment is relevant for all of us, and every municipality can actively participate in the development of its own clean air.

So, green your shelters, with an economical and sustainable solution, and recreate biodiversity in the simplest way, for the greater good.

CiteConcept - Innovation living roof
Shelter with vegetal roof option

Eco-designed furniture for RATP

Integration of particle filters in furniture units to fit under the roofs of Paris metro stations.

Filtering fine particles from the metro for optimised air quality.

CiteConcept - Innovation vegetal roof
Shelter with vegetal roof option

Métropole shelter near Seville

Inclusive integration of the Métropole shelter with the aim of covering, protecting, and using transparency to ensure that visibility is not compromised.

Night-time implementation of inclusive shelters